The Hand Talks

Give your new business activity a good old spring clean

by The Hand

Spring is in the air and so whilst you might be thinking about giving your home a good old spring clean, then why not do the same for your business?

Spring is often when new business activity starts to flow a little better. Now that winter is out of the way, clients are more relaxed about their budgets and committing to projects. And because of that, it’s a really great opportunity for you to take stock of your new business activity.

So, what areas could you take your duster to?

  • Review your Q1 progress. How are you tracking against your business plan goals? Do you need to adjust or realign them? How have you fared against your new business roadmap and do you need to make any changes there?
  • Review your client base. Look at which of your clients your haven’t spoken to for awhile and which have lapsed totally. Reach out to them and re-engage, especially with those who you know are at the start of a new budget year.
  • Give your website a spring refresh. Start by review your analytics, looking at which pages perform well and which don’t. Then do a general content sweep, making sure you do a good proofread and check that no links are broken. Get rid of any really out of date content and pay close attention to your homepage and case studies. Are all of your work examples on there from the middle of last year? If so, time to update them with some fresher case studies.
  • Review your marketing activity. Are you clear about what marketing activity works well for you and brings leads through the door? If not, it’s time to get into the detail of your marketing metrics. Once you have a clear picture of this then you can start to dedicate more time to what is working for you and ditch what isn’t.
  • Give your team a boost. Your team have been working really hard since January and the lighter evenings are upon us, and so why not reward them with a little treat? It’s the perfect time to organise a team trip out to reward them and spend some social time together. It could be just the boost they need.

As with cleaning, it’s sometimes easier to push the cobwebs to one side and just ignore it, but taking time to take stock of where your business is at this time of year can really set you up for the remainder of it. It doesn’t have to be onerous, but it will give you the focus and direction you need to ensure the year ends on a high!